Yes It has been resloved.
Did mineverse get hacked yesterday?
Night can you get on lobby 3?
Support :)
He is spamming non-stop I guess .-.
He is calling me something that is really rude.
He is spamming the word " tp lagg. "
He is saying bad things about mineverse.
He is saying things that is so rude.
He is calling my friend a pron star.
Opps here is the pic I forgot to put it in :)
He is advertising a server.
Oh ffs dfhguiodfghi udrhgf
Does mineverse even work?... I cant join it >.<
Look at his head no one can do that.
He is being rude,calling people stupid and a dog.
He is spamming that he is watching dragon ball and why isnt mods not giving him a warning or something?
Uh no max :P
Someone go on op pvp welp I need a MOD ;-;
Can you check my op pvp report?