Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: QuitRunning The offender's exact ingame name:...
@WorldWideCrisis Idk who this dude is but he gave me a /friend so I took it lol.
Yup they beat you to it :I
Lol xD
how come :(
Hello check out my post xD
Support. You die a lot to hackers tbh. @Hackmanpvp
The messages went away, but maybe next time i'll get them.
1. QuitRunning 2. hyrdropython04 3. bypassing language 4.
1. QuitRunning 2. Spider_ManisGod 3. Spamming 4.
1. QuitRunning 2. hyrdropython04 3. Bypassing language 4.
Support. I've seen you a lot on OpPvP.
Basketball ftw.