Hey anonymous I know you prob don't know me I play on survival. But two things then I'll let you be on your way. First off, I'm extremely sorry...
Hey! ^-^ Whats up?
Yeah sorry was a little confusing.... just didnt want to say warp so people not in tribe can just go to it.... my bad
Hey just wanted to let ya know, changed the warp so will be able to add more related storages. now same name but add storage to the end
k cewl. I also added some people to it if thats alright... >:D
Just saying I need some help with progress for the team. When you have time can u make max armor and tools for the team? Take as long as you need :P
huehuehuehueh :P
Go Team DeathTribe! >:D
Thanks! :)
Thank you! :D