I definitely agree! However though it would be laggy and some would miss out, the screen is would be worth it!
Welcome to Forums! ^-^
True, but it would still be cool. If it does happen I wish good luck to my laptop... xD
Who here thinks a whole server screenie would be sick? c:
I will probably do that when I get the time! :^)
Awww thanks!
Oh I did, and thank you so much for that! ^-^ It surprised me and DanDeDonut let me know it was you. TYSM!
I've been wanting to try and do this for a while now, because I thought it would be cool. Do you guys agree that we could try and plan a day and...
Oh god my grammar rn xD
I'm doing well also ^-^
So how is everybody doin' today? :P
iBilly xD
Really well said and great advice! ^-^
Cmon Scoobydoo! ....
That is true. But what if they would like to rejoin later on, and change how they act?
You do have a point. However, some people just feel lazy and decide to hack once, and never again. I like how this idea has them banned from the...
I support this idea for most part, but I believe that the time of the ban is a little too long. Yes, the idea for hacking also being banned from...
I'm on the quest for Rank Titan! Any donations would help and be greatly appreciated! ^-^
I also hope that is what happened, because then I would still have a chance of getting a rank :D