I believe that there should be a party plugin for creative that can have its own private chat for the party. This means that when role plays are...
Thanks for the suggestion i have added to most of the posts and added a new section
Maybe a little more detail?
Ok thanks fixed most of the mistakes
Also i lowered the font size
Thanks for the support :3 also could you point out my mistakes?
I get this glitch too. Probaly will be fixed soon
Eh it seems like a good command for some but when you think about it /stack diamond armor is a little op when pvping. No Support
I support this because it can get annoying when people spam there plot shops in chat.
Welcome :)
Age 12 Ign robot1702 Timezone EST Country USA Languages I only speak English but I am learning Spanish right now and know the basics. Why do I...
Support....All because of the cheese steaks :3 and btw no need to bump the post
I dont know what plugin they use but with some prison plugins you just have to select a world edit area then type in the blocks you want to put...
As a donor on Mineverse on op prison you get some good stuff....But in the extra section of buycraft maybe you can add a custom plot mine. With...
A moderator sure can help you
Your ingame name: robot1702 The offender's ingame name: PotatoeTortoise and A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Both of them...