@Sheshy101 your gonna get rekt :P
In game name: initowilly Timezone: EST Why would you like to be in this competition: Because I want to win that prize. ;)
I didn't read the intro. Welcome tho.
You should really follow me bac m9
Welcome m9
Damn dude that sucks, if it has already been solved, could a mod close it?
Could I get one of those custom pfp? Thanks :P
Lucky biatch
Are you ta_ta_taz? If so, you lied to a lot of people about your identity, and got proven wrong. Also you have been banned for hacks! You and your...
You should be honored that someone would waste 100$+ on you.
https://gyazo.com/6d547e9016cdf09b526e99a23de79fca Getin a load of yourself aren't you.
Yes I have a giant beard (sarcasm);P