Well, What makes you play Mineverse? I play Mineverse because of the community. And the unique games they have.
My in game name:Samfordlenihan. Offenders in game name:Wolfy5197 Rule he/she Broke Death Warping. (it wont let me say de a th... lol) He took the...
I thought of a new Rating. It is called "Good idea" The image will be a little light bolb, simple. Hope you like this idea :)
Samfordlenihan. darkfox380 Glide hacks. Screen shots. This player already has been Banned, But he's back with all his tricks. You can just see...
So, on MINEVERSE infection. MVPS have fire aspect on their sword. I find this a pain and so does many others. I was wondering if the could change...
So, This is a simple question. What is your favourite sport, and why? My favourite sport it soccer, I like it because of support people give you...
I seriously don't understand the point in /bukkit:me. People use it to spam like hell. Why don't cyp take is away? I would like this command...
Well here we are, I never thought it would come to this but it has. I am leaving MINEVERSE. Im not stating why. You will be seeing me around. But...
i love @kitkat6605910
Kitkat is my life
ITS UNFAIR D: THEY PAYED 100$!!!! THEY NEED PET HUMAN! Plz support if you think this is true.
Samfordlenihan Llama_revilution Kill aura. (Oh and that's not me playing if you that person in the reflection LOL)[media]
So I came up with the idea that we should at new items when you get a rofl. This is what you get Now when you get a rofl. 1. Red stone torch 2....
Lately I have found it is very anoying when people try and take your XP when you need it, that's why they should add XP rooms. They also be used...
[media] 1.samfordlenihan. 2.william335a kill aura hacks You could see he was truning them off and on
What about adding the coloured name tags back to people who have ranks? This used to be in the game but noobcrew and cyp deleted I don't know...
Hello, my In game name is Samfordlenihan. My real name is Sam. I am 11 years old I am from New Zealand (next to Australia for you nubs out there)...
Can anyone get me a cape? For free please. Don't say anything if you can't, If you do get it I will give you 500$ on kitpvp. PLEASE DONT SAY...
Does infection lobby ever get boaring for you?. Well it does for me. I came up with an idea that you could hit each other in lobby, but you can't...