Ok sorry some info is he offered to buy me Titan for $10,000, and i would pay $1,000 and $9,000 when i got the money.
1. C4_4U_00 2. Himnesk 3. Scamming 4. https://vimeo.com/m/111993672
"Thinks shes actually got problems" lol
@Samcull a mod is on skyblock
/warp C4proof
i had 40 bedrock yesterday and now ive got 30 because i gave 10 away for a rank upgrade, its not illegal. /warp mother has 12 bedrock placed down.
im guessing god apples beacuse he say he would give 55 gapples to get rank god, creeper heads, steve heads.
Sam wont tell
Don't try to bring others with hacked items in? About taking hacked items for yourself?
sky are hacked items not allowed?
Do you have proof of hacks? @skylanderdavid has netherrack but doesnt hack
@HyperPigman @Glaadiator @VaMeSa123 @PandaBear__ @larrythebird101
Hacked items are not against the rules
Your ingame name: C4_4U_00 The offender's ingame name: Samcull A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:/rules said use common...
jedijosiah trading
Your turn DaBaws