You replied to my report fast. Like 5 secs after i posted it
It's 3 saying goto 6 and 3 saying stay 4
Your ingame name: zOgLuke The offender's ingame name: kbatngirl A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, Anti/Kill aura...
Well i sold my chainsaw and jumper for 6k kitpvp
So stay 4 it is
He gave me a chainsaw, and auc it and buy it. It works like that
[ATTACH] Should i prestige to 6 or stay on 4 and save for 7?
Ask Zero_Inzanity
I was on infection once, and you were saying "OHHH I AM THE REAL NOOBCREW" I said "no you're not" you said "YES I AM, IM JUST DA ALT
She is just pointing out age doesn't matter. As was i. I'm not supporting him because he was pretending to be the actually Noobcrew, not because...
When i was six i was taught stuff that normal six year olds aren't supposed to learn.
6 year olds can be mature. If i was an owner I would make them a temp mod and give them a week to prove themselves worthy.
I believe the first 2, but it's not always about age. Mostly just their Maturity.
This is Krishy's best, he is stupid.
I think you would be perfect on infection. Good luck :)
That is one server i have never seen you on opprison or kitpvp and since i know your behavior on gta that is the behavior i think you have on all...
It is 150 now you guys have had multiple people die and it always said 0 gang deaths even some of your members said they have died.
No deaths glitch for gangs.