._. I had no clue :3
What is your alts user name anyways? -Sledr2014
I'll ad in 1$ on kitpvp :)
Good application, support %100 but you do tend to ignore me sometimes anyways Good Luck!!!
I play mainly kitpvp
Okay, awesome.
I have decided to close the clan.
Thank you :D Am I able to apply for a rank in the clan? ;) As always -Sledr
Yes, I recently changed it from Sledr2014
Age: 10 Time Zone: GMT -7 (MST) Ign: Sledr How long have you been on kitpvp: Around 7 months. Rank: Commander (Not sure if that counts). Ever been...
Yeah, I want to trade, why is it funny that I want to start a PvP clan with out a donor rank? I do have all the rights as a donator
No, I do not yet, I am saving my In-Game $$$ for one.
If you want to join GodPvPers you will have to, 1. Be commander+ 2. Not hack. 3. Be a good pvper. 4. Be in diamond armor. 5. Be fairly active....
Really denninakic8? please PM me or something :) I probably won't be on until tomorrow after noon though, the forums. The SledSter
Well, thanks :P I have been playing for a long time. The SledSter
Hello, I would just like to introduce my self to the server, I have been playing this server around 1 year, and I play KitPvP mostly and some...
So, I was changing my user from Sledr2014 to Sledr and I wasn't sure if I would lose my money, so I was going to pay it to my alt/brothers account...