Hello, I have been playing this server for about 18 months now, I am Supreme, I mainly play kitpvp, And I just changed my user from zSledr/Gabrik...
Team Crucible Hello, I am starting a new team, Team Crucible I am only looking for 3 members for now. Rules -No hacking -No attacking teamates...
@weapon7shane @GizzBots @Krishy10
I know, he didn't say "your youtube channel" lol
Subs: 4,283,558 subs [MEDIA]
Good luck iMac, I'm glad that minecraft Isn't your life, have a good future!
Needs way more detail, No Support once soever. ~zSmiter
Wow, I havn't seen you on in a long long time Pile_of_buts, do you still play kitpvp? I do, I havn't seen you since I used hacks. Do you remember...
Oh, sorry.
Holy smokes, that is a lot of words that have "" in them
Yes, please that would be AWESOME.
I know .-. are you mad at me because I am a better pvper than you? (When its a fair 1v1 with not much lag)?
lol wizard "I don't"
I don't know, just wondering :P
If you did, it was because I was lagging, and I could likely beat you in a 1v1 bud.