I have been hacked. Anyone who wants to talk to me can do it on forums only. Sorry!
I'm getting my account banned forever.
Getting my account banned.
Can you ban me? I've been hacked and I don't want my stuff lost. PLEASE!! Forever. thank you.
No. I guess I can try. Thanks!
Kk. You're not on my account. I've just been hacked. I've tried this morning and rn. (10:03PM).
BTW I'm _Inzanity.
Hehehe, that's funny you say he hacks. He is one of the best archerpvp players ever. Ask anyone who is popular. _MEGA_COOKIE__ was probably mad...
I've been hacked. Bye. Not even kidding.
No Support Sorry read the template when you apply.
I've been hacked. No kidding. I have been hacked PERIOD. Tell everyone on archer goodbye for me please.
Tell everyone on archer I miss them.
ive been haxed :,(
I'm so fkn sad rn.
I can't get it right as it says "Already Playing"
I would gyazo it but I can't even click play. Before I could but that's before you told me to Gyazo it.
underratxd did it. She hacked magic too. She might do it to more people.
I can't even hit play. And yes it's been like this the whole day.
She's a traitor.