I saw that alot of people were complaining about this map being removed, so i managed to rebuild like about 80% of the map. :)...
i want to play on it aswell.
the admin said he might be going to make it public for everyone. :)
dude chill, oml. you have already got the answers to your stupid thread. let me just repeat what the guys told u - 'NO KIDDO! YOU ARE NOT GETTING...
can you unban me in lobby bro? you banned me because i had /op.
there's a new lobby. that should be in the server motd thing too. :p
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @TannerLittle pls remove the switcher arrow from /shop
some people said this deal was bad.. 27k on kitpvp 500k on skyblock mc account with titan rank + legend rank on mineplex..
HIDE VOTES We get spammed with these 'Vote messages' every time someone vote.. yeah. i suggest that if you have voted for the server the votes...
Skyblock Warriors and SkyWars is almost the same, that's why i didn't add it in the poll. :D
Actually, no. SG = opening chests HG = opening chests + break blocks
try to vote again and check if you gets the world edit commands.
why can't it be 128x128x? creative in 2013 had 32x32 plots and then it updated to 64x64. (2x larger).
stop lying, lol. you commented that you got hacked on this mod application and your profile 1 month ago but you deleted it. and if you didn't...
this kid can't even protect his account from being hacked and you guys still want him to be mod. a month ago DatSquidy claimed that he got...
I got the schematic for the original mineshaft yo