I was gonna give a solid support but this? No thank you I am sorry I cannot support you now. No support
Why are you legit doing his mod app for him lmao
yes make it but make it good
yes i cried when i see :confused::Lo.O
This isn’t a thing yet?
bad fake
idk, why do blacks talk about themselves in 3rd person?
me sure
This will be implemented next year, and then also be screwed up.
But that is fake news
Who’s a** tho? :cool::pomp:o.O;)
You mean opfacs
maybe 3 more actually, third times a charm
https://www.mineverse.com/threads/bring-back-infection.144882/ https://www.mineverse.com/threads/lets-bring-back-infection.143664/ lets make 2...
sounds like a wanker to me
full support, this kid knows what should be added to factions and how to improve it. Actually start implementing some of these.
support is good on factions put it on op now
i no right
support good map