True but thank you for respecting the work
Wait then why are caring about this post if you dont care. Dummy.
you know I dont need people like you disgracing my work in the post ok if you dont like the series then leave!
jk just wait qround a hour to get the kit again
wow whata noob
fine put negative dislikes u heritics
Ah yes if you are reading this is because you know kurosoul is known for being too good at pvp. Ok no but in all seriousness I am known for...
bruh no one cares. XD Do the nay nay
Yea so doesn't mean u have to be a <Edited-Just No> about it either
dude its more like items need to be more cheaper in the shop
well I remeber Vamesa even before she was god or a mod and we were friends
i put no <Edited - Be Nice>
this is pointless this will get u banend im banning u right now for a month so yesa
this is so <do not cuss on forums> u freakinmasterbaters
Support because u don't live in the Us man I hate it here:/
Ban me please
Plz I'm sorry this a troll u mean that's funny right