Full Support great person on the server I think the server is in need of someone like you!
Absolutely support, skywars is an amazing game mode that would bring a lot more players to Mineverse!
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Voxygen The offender's exact ingame name:...
Fat Support! Great person very active! GL :D
Support! Very active on kit2 and op, also not toxic very friendly GL :)
Full Support GL!
Support!!! reasons stated above.
Come visit more game modes haven't really seen you on much other than that Support!
I'm going Neutral for now but if I see a change with how you treat others in game and being more active on forums I'll change to support. Good Luck!
Support! Very nicely well written application! Good Luck
No support, never seen you in game, other reasons stated ^
No support
Full support man active seen you in game many times! GL
No support, never seen you other reasons stated above .^
Introduction: Hello Everyone, welcome to my Moderator Application! My in-game name is Voxygen and I am currently 16 years of age turning 17 May...
Yeah maybe, Support Iv'e seen you many times just haven't recognized the name.
Neutral, Havent seen you much.
Ok thanks