Nope lol.
Guys, I know how to make enchants lvl 30000 and over, make death items (I don't), and other stuff. Stop asking people.
I should get more sleep.
No support. You've been banned at least 10 times and have disrespected me and many others.
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean what I think you mean, Support :D
I really don't think you're named Ducky, but welcome :D
How would they get the tnt then?
What pack did you copy from yours? I've seen it on youtube but its not called Cptpicklez...
@MrParkourGuy I know I'm not a mod, but I do want to ask, you could make a fake account named "Mrparkourguy" and change the nickname.
/ma join. It's a plugin, and I'm not quite sure what saying.