Oh my god you guys are being idiots. Just because you noobs aren't getting on my list and I'm telling people the truth, you rate abuse.
Had them for dinner tonight lol
Uhh... people won't use $100 to get worldedit :t
The only thing I've ever, ever, ever seen him in.
Then you don't play anything else, Huh?
No support
IRL name words a ad ade adhere adheres adjure adjures ads ae aery ag age aged agee ager agers ages agree agreed agrees ags ague aguey ah ahs am...
Bun, to, bag, a :)
50k 50k 50k
I tried to raid pr0, you mad at me? Kitkat says you will be :3 That's because I killed her doe.
I think titans should be the ONLY ones to get creeper eggs. 1 per 48 hours would be good in my opinion.
Wow ragers mad at me for saying their not good. Onion you were banned for hacking I'm pretty sure, and I've never seen you pvp. Same with slemun.
Slemun hax :> 1: @Bajan_fanboy109 2: @ohhglaze 3: @unlegitgamerhd 4: @Blowuptoday123 5: @Skydiver27
Unique? Good? Skill? Lol. He got banned for hacks son. Lion hacks, also onion :O
Kewl, You were a great mod and made this community a lot better. Bye.
Probably the bug I spilled :/
Damnit! Awesome person banned!
Screw you cyp.
Do not insult people. Go read the rules. There is not any rule for it, so I'm guessing it's legal.
@( * O * )@ Koala :) Troll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~., . . . ....