1. chengj6MC 2.Khalen2006 3. contraband
Also, there have been a few cases of anti knockback in OP pvp, but i dont have a recorder :(
1. chengj6MC 2. CrepperMan4241, saska901, BeastBoyMiles, Kyman99 3. AND HERE"S the evidence Can we give a message showing the rules, many dont...
What if we can go inside the dragon, that would be awesome
Write it in a normal report form
GOKING56 sweared too lol
Maybe at different timezones, fights are organised
Opps, sorry for the first edit
I got banned te and guards who cheat( Not that anyone would ) can go back to being a prisoner. No offense guys
Are we on a peaceful basis? (Like not ruthless killing in prison)
hey flare
Are free guys able to use contraband?
Uhh, but i dont know how to auc, so complicated。
But guards can prevent this
S u p po r t
Maybe once a day to prevent spaming
Maybe free guys can also join too