You've all ways been like this lmao. Maybe if you don't false ban people they wont go on after you. I appreciate this and I've only been back a...
Thank you I will edit it later today.
Ok Thank You
My In game name : NotLoikco What time zone : Central Standard What country do you live in: USA What Language Do you...
I agree This idea would bring more attn to mineverse
LOL best comment yet
Lol You cant be talking kid ive got alot of files for your next Moderator app Lol ok xokah
Kid im typing on an iphone calm down i may have mispelled stuff
Lol im not going against my word im leaving it open untill further notice
I disaggre ive been more active than youtuber and wanna skype.... Sniff I would appreciate if you explain. To me your aggreing with disrespect
Not Going to remove this time Sowwy
Now i have never seen you In game explantion plz? TY
Could you please give me a reason of how i can improve - Thanks
Your in-game name: loikco What timezone are you in? CST What country do you live in? Usa What languages do you speak? I speak Fluent English Do...
Im not sure if this is a problem for you or me
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: karmaisbad The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:loikco The offender's exact ingame name:xjackkk A...
Company is ded but o well Kamart