Prob like 600 as I might want other stuff
I might want a new computer for Christmas besides my Walmart laptop. Just link me to pre built ones.
Blaze it.
Make a 5 pound blunt.
Why do you want it closed? Because of what you said.?
No if you read my post I know it doesn't affect it as I said just read the first post.
Explain the screenshot
Yeah sure but doesn't it look like ducky said it or am I blind?
Lol explain the shot...
Dood can I hav ur best booter plzzzzzz I need to dos people danks -ducky
Okay what about what you said today?
The Ducks special
Lol lets read it together I'll just dos you
You said you would...
That you'll dos
Lol but you said that.. I was on my friends sever and this cute...
You guys are annoying as hell there's like 100 threads on this. Cyp and Crew know what it does or they wouldn't have added it and it won't be...
Xbox one Go cart Ugg slippers New tv Yeah I'm rich