List: New 40 inch tv screen New computer screen. Go cart Xbox 1 maybe haven't decided if I want it yet.
But it's true....
That fake don't believe him. Sound familiar ??
No threat... Talking about recking you like always.
It's two negatives every two hours
Sure I'll get right on it.
Lol you kagaroo your just mad because you have no chance of mod because of how bad you would be. Don't ruin his chances because of the way you...
All he said was congrats.... And who are you to rate spelling. You type like this, well, I'll, add, random commas where, I feel,.
Yeah it won't but, at anytime they could remove it and it wouldn't be scamming
Ima gud boi
Agree, but it wouldn't be scamming they can take away all the perks of they wanted to.
I'm also getting a science kit to make meth just like Walter white.
Dudeeeeeee me spealingz is fine why u give me bad spealzing????????
I cun now tie me flip flops without chocking on a pineapple
Ho to b a fan boy like glitcher in tree simple step. Num uno suk up to cyp wen he don't even like him. Num 2 suk up to mods. Num tree act lik a girl.
I'll just get a toaster instead they have less lag.
You keep telling me what not to buy.
That was one of the dumbest things I have heard.
Never read a book