My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: JarrodAubin What did they do: Advertise other servers Evidecnce: [ATTACH]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: NoticeDaHax What did they do: used Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] Enjoy! BTW! I have ALOT more Videos of people...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: CatTahmeed What did they do: Used hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] READ: Hello! welp This is CatTahmeed 2nd Video of...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: KovacPvp What did they do: Used Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] Enjoy!
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: INodusYourHaxs What did they do: Used Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] Enjoy :D
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: Kaocer What did they Do: Use Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] Ik, the Video is Short, and I don't have much evidence,...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: JeoyGabin666 What did they do: Use Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: Piggy_BACONZ And AwesomeCreeper78 What did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: TurtleSkillzOG What did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33x Their Ign: Emp_Dragon231 What Did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] Enjoy :D
My Ign: Elephantlovr33x Their Ign: MidFountain What did they do: Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA] Enjoy :D
My IGN: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: GetWreckHD (They are a God to!) What did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: Clymmax__ What did they do: SCAMMED ME 200$! Evidence: (WARNING: MANY PHOTOS!) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33x Their Ign: PlasmakillerFTW what did they do: Hacks Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: Ripper_R LavishCritz Evidence: [MEDIA] - Ripper_R [MEDIA] - LavishCritz Please make sure to spell their name Right.
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: monsterman1053 (AGAIN) What did they do: Hacking (Before he wasn't banned, or his named was spelled wrong, to...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: Monsterman1053 What did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: xXEzEddyXx Z0MB13_N0MS (o is a zero) CatTahmeed (2nd Vid) Graddy20 Evidence: [MEDIA] - CatTahmeed...
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X Their Ign: ReapingStorm What did they do: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Elephantlovr33X their Ign: Zyphie (AKA AbbaBrines Alt) iSkrillz Ddashcycle Evidence: [MEDIA] - Zyphie (Please ip Ban him) [MEDIA] -...