Thank you so much! And honestly, it wouldn't hurt me all that much to be non-creative. After all, I build many things on mc in my spare time all...
That's just how I am most of the time, been through too much don't really care to be creative. But yes, I will admit that I do go a little 'crazy'...
More information on why you think you should be a moderator. That's all I will say, good luck. You may want to look at other applications, not...
Now, to add on to my application, I've found a way that I can be a little more active. I cannot be online Monday or Friday due to activities that...
Very little support, but some is still there. More info needs to be added to the question of why you think you should be mod. Good luck! :)
Agreed with @Kharm3llo. As of now, no support. Add more and I may change my mind, but good luck!
Also haven't donated or anything, so it's a bit hard to notice me. Haven't been on in the last three days because I went fly fishing with my...
Eh that's okay, but it has happened to me before, so I got a bit stressed, that's all. I couldn't connect for about 3 days, so yeah. But I guess...
I guess so, but if you've been in the positions I have, which I'm quite sure you most likely have or been in worse, when you just start it's a...
Forgot to mention, in my application, I stated that one should be able to handle situations under a lot of stress. It sounds like I'm completely...
I need some time to relieve some stress, and if I'm going to be a part of this server, why not make it as best as I can?
I'm trying to be more active, I'm online at the creative server now. There's a lot of personal things going on in my life that I just can't be on...
Alright, it was worth a try. Thank you for considering, @Grayson.
Thank you for explaining, I was about to get online now, and the reason you don't see me much is because I don't come online as much as I will be...
Now, before we begin, let me just say I won't be using color like many other players do. I have been involved with another player's application,...