A lot more needs to be added. Much more work needs to be added to this application, and as @madisonjr said, there is a LOT more to moderating than...
Since when is lying the right thing? Always admit faults, and instead of lying about things that you do not want someone to know, at least let...
I understand :P
The gamemode they would use would be a creative-based gamemode that is only accessible by the builders, Cyp, and Noobcrew. There would be no...
I do not agree with this. Never lie to a staff member or a player. If you think it's the right thing, it's not. Because if you did lie to them,...
The people who would try for builder are serious about this rank, meaning that they wouldn't destroy projects, or harass any of the other...
I do agree, but I'd think that 1-3 players that can build one style is enough, and of course we'd still need more for other styles. I'm thinking...
And I thank you for showing that to me, @masterrawad, I understand that the password was changed, but if you go AFK suddenly, or something along...
Color, detail, be creative with it, and make it unique to you. No support as of now, but good luck.
Did you not read the replies above the one you just posted?
And so, if his younger brother gets on his account if he somehow ends up getting mod? What do you think will happen then?
Banned for being Batcat
Banned for using the right "which"
Alright, no more support.
Banned for thinking we didn't notice.
Banned for being the 1593th reply. EDIT: Banned for taking my reply.
Banned for not using a full stop (aka, a period).
Banned for emoticon usage.
Shush, but she told me that, and I just want to know the truth if she's 14 or 15, because it's kinda weird to not know someone's age that you...
Your ingame name: LaserDolphin77 The offender's ingame name: TheawesomePeeps A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...