Do you want Oreos? I found some more at my house..
You forgot: Good Hog I Hoe Go Guide Hide And probably more.
My IGN: LaserDolphin77 Offender's IGN: BlackbirdJosh Rule Broken: Spamming the /me command. Proof:...
But, I don't like the year 2012, or the movie ;-;
a ad ade adhesion adipose ado adore adores adorn adorns ads ae aeon aeons ah ahi ahs ai aid aide aider aiders aides aids ail ailed aileron...
1 Laser 2 Dolphin 3 Hi 4 Lol (if it counts :3) 5 Do 6 In 7 Son 8 Lad 9 Doll 10 Droll 11 Snip 12 Pine 13 Pines 14 Dolphins 15 Phase 16 Does 17 As...
You need a lot more detail to the question, "Why do you think you should become a mod?" No support for now.
Hm, FlowsHD?
Squidward supports.
Darkness will consume. But with darkness, there is always light. Use what you have been granted, and you will exceed the darkness.
Never seen you in-game, but that may also be partly my fault. As of now, because of my faults as not being as active as I should be, and I'd...
You have my support now.
I like it, but I use more medieval texture (or resource pack if you want to be a nub) packs like Conquest, Re-Imagine, JohnSmith, Halcyon Days,...
Fix your grammar and spelling errors, even in posts you have made after the application. And you don't seem like you can be very active for the...
Follow the application format located here:
Get to know the community better, add some color to your application, be creative and make it unique to you, as the others, I'd say about 50% support.
No support. There is very little you have said about why you think you should be a moderator, and there is a LOT more to moderating than you imagine.
And who said that?