No Offence... But when I crushed you In a 1v1 u said I hack when I don't....
Bump... Suppport add Soccer and for the soccer. @jadey64 And when you have soccer. U have 3 slime balls. One knockback 2 the other knockback 5... game name:matt10chr 2.the offenders in game:87drahthroX 3:what rule they broke: rate abuse 4 evidence:
So many people agree that u hack. First I fight u. (When you didn't hack) You took 2 hearts out of me and u got crushed. Then, You kept saying I...
No, You randomly kept turning ur kill aura on and off and u turned them on when I went at u so ur hacks went crazy so then u turned them off and...
@Pile_of_Butts Please check out the report. He is pissing everyone off when he flashes kill aura
He flashes
1. In game name: Matt10chr 2.The offenders in game name: Lightningfingers 3. What rule they broke: Flashing kill aura. You can see him turning...
Thanks MCnerd for being on my side and just being so nice to say those things. Anyway, Fendo U say ur way better then me. We 1v1 and I crused u...
Logging Off. ~Matt