so fun already build my base and working on my farm Duo with wesleybeke2002
Support, Luis helps me a lot and hes a great person ;) Support #Louis4Mod
Wierd, maybe a glitch, ask a mod as ordi said ;) Good luck.
first youtuber hypee? support
good luck ;)
okay thanks
good lucl ;)
gratz boii
wish i could big big rip
Samee so hyped ;) when the release???
Mineverse Vids ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdEH7Q-NIuj36Y3_RBHjLA
Cuphaed is super fun ;)
Ask a mod to as ka admin to fix it, happened to me too
so sad £Rip WildeBob ;(
ayy ;)
You dont surpass the requirements
Remember WHEN MV HAD 2K PLAYERS ON, all around me are familiar faces..
Dont you notice that merks is obsessed with animals, its so cute <3