Yes I am aware that I can click a button named reply.
Earth to Echo :D
C-Charile and the Chocolate Factory
That is much more mature than you
It is hard for me to read because you did not color the writing. Therefore my brain jumbles up everything.
Ok good to know thanks
So far some people have been nice. Others have been idiots but I will not name names
Since I am new idk you very well. But from my first impression you seem kewl
Idk him but I hate seeing people go. Bai :(
Punch 10? Really? What is the point of pvp when whenever you try to hit someone you go flying because you got bowed.
Does having a donor rank make a difference? Cause I don't have one....
Lol. I like to consider myself better off learning by "exploring"
0_0 The longest book I've ever read is 500 pages.
I just wanna say for a twelvie your grammar is superb. ;)
I am 13 now. Being a twelvie was a big burden that I was too lazy to carry. .-.
Lel I am too ugly for this thread :P
Hi I lik cheese too
Mostly everyone hates me on this forum. But idc. :)