Support! You're so lucky living in Barbados .-. Just sayin
I use (or try to) obs, this drops me like 10 fps. Idk how good your computer is, so it might not affect you. :)
I think /god should be disabled while you're in combat, and maybe create a pvp arena that /god is disabled too.
Thanks ppl :)
Thank you
Came back and loving the server :D
Thanks for the tips, I suck at pvp so this should help.
Support, although I think Titan should have more than god, considering it's 150 dollars more. :)
Srysly? I don't remember you O_o
Uhm hi! I was on here like three months ago, no one really noticed me. Unless I argued with u. So I'm back, so, um, hi :)
We allowed to bring guns?
I played soccer, that was fun and now I'm healthier :)
Hi random person
If i ever did, people would die of my ugliness
This punishment is an easy way to make enemies from your classmates
I am homeschooled so I have to deal with my parents :/. No it isn't fair, just give the person who did not do their homework detention