yea. when i said i ment the actual rendering and whole screen. if i wanted too i could make the screen look like a rainbow texture pack
it dosnt run it for default it runs when you edit the config
you know you can costomise name tags in the config. that's how i got the color. the rendering. and the health.
What do you mean MC version? i use the 1.8.1 Optifine and vanilla minecraft 1.7.9
no i ment the report about brad
thats all i really use i sometimes use 1.7.9 for my friends server
for the report i was runing optifine 1.8.1
and here is the proof that it is optifine. plz note that hacked clients cant have optifine just so you know [MEDIA]
he said it was some thing called metro when it was me messing with the config in optifine (only computer nerds like me can do this :P)
no because after it was hacked i got more security and different p-words so it couldnt have been hacked
umm im not sure when but it was a good over a month ago and yes i was banned but later unbanned because the mod understood what i had done and...
ok honestly. i have hacked on infection a wile back. i was testing them and i later learned that using them comes with the consequences so i...
Current MC username: FreezeGod Banning staff member: ImTopmass Alleged reason for ban:✰Hacked Client✰ Evidence from the ban: nothing Do you agree...
no support. you have been banned many more times than once. and also you are not trustworthy. you ally factions, tp to there base, then enemy and...
oh yea here is the proof [MEDIA] and i lied ONCE that was when my friend wanted his sword back on my server and i said i didnt have it
i heard someone say that someone was toggling but i don't know what it means. and i never heard of fake kill aura :P
k 1 i wasnt using ANY client and 2. im not sure why they were green. but i noticed rank tag colors work
I am reporting @ImTopmass because you banned me from the server with No proof. I already told you that yo can change the tame tag rendering in the...