you putting 2 and 2 that aint there @Freeze is FreezeGod im his brother :t:
dafaq? [IMG]
PewDiePie, Smosh, and XboxPlayz
@Savvy911 @larrythebird101 what do you guys think?
Age : 16 How long have you been playing OP PvP : since i have been playing MV (8 months) Do I know you?: sure. (fan boi) How do you like to fight?...
is Martin Luther king jr your hero or something?
IGN: LazySmacks (I was using my alt so my normal elite account can give my alt lvls) Offenders IGN: in video Offence: haxing Proof: [MEDIA]
BAD @ImTopmass if you dont get promoted again il beat the sh** out of you k?
no support add more info be more active Good luck! ;)
1 :rage:
i never gotten ddosed :I [IMG] [IMG]
@qos @Viper and @W4FFL3_SLAYER WINS!!!!! il pm you guys
Winners announced: @qos @Viper and @W4FFL3_SLAYER
finaly banned
get banned @tin15cro is looking at is
will you do somthing about @Rekt__ 's posts plz
will you stop no one likes you
@xxxvan? oh wait are you kurasoul?