-_- [IMG]
i want it :D im not sure what you want
why? he didn't even follow the correct format?
no support add more deatale be more active. i NEVER see you online try to be well known in game and the forums Good luck! ;)
no support
NO NO NEVER NOOOO SUPPORT!!!! jk support you da best
IGN: KILLERPOGI04 Offenders IGN: seanfillip Offence: Death threat Proof: http://gyazo.com/dc92b462701e3123614d645d58da34d7
IM not British :(
naw i say support
@tin15cro take this to the right section and give me my p4 >:(
neutral because you got jailed on prison and you kept laughing about it and being very rude
%90 support for both %10 no support because i hate seeing charmander sad :t:
@VaMeSa @ScoFu13 @Scorpio_Venom @deorr_o @TheOnionWarrior @TADS4/ _tomathan @wizard934 @KILLERPOGIO4 @Lola Perez @Nightfire88539 @Pile_of_Butts...
irl 13. In minecraft. 8 how old were you when you kissed your GF
15 5478.63 131487 4.734e+8 :t: how old were you when you met your best friend
2 how old were you when you joined the forums :t: