steam in convo pls
I'm honestly tired of competing with supremes and globals, I have a smurf that is in silvers (mainly mess around account) if any silvers-novas...
Let me explain this like you're in the second grade (No offense) You never take action if one breaks a forum rule, wether its another member...
I wouldn't look at "gtfo" as being disrespectful or an insult, all I know is, the conversation said "You have been muted for one day" It isn't my...
Apparently saying 'gtfo' is disrespect.
Why did I get muted for a day? Nothing I posted on DJ's profile broke a forum rule. If you can view comment history on profile posts, please do....
Bye Tyrone.
grats you feg noob skrub
no support
I legit thought Jolie got promoted lmao
lol from what I've heard, you're a skid
lol I had a picture if summit as my profile pic, cyps response http://www.skyblock.net/threads/quick-question.79193/