35th cake
More ranks are always nice but the ranks allready go from 5$ to 250$, I think they allready have alot of ranks compared to other servers. What...
19th Cake
I dislike OhhGlaze lol, but I'll support him because I think he probably does have all the qualities of a mod. Good luck
I've been blocked from creative for weeks because of this can anyone help me as well?
If you plan on going with my route I highly suggest having a friend, or myself checking the protected area out for protected flaws. If you want...
No, get sponges and take all the proper action you would as if you're on a faction server to protect your base. I have allowed anyone who wants to...
When you place the sponge does it say under your bar inventory (Protected) in green letters? If not break it and place again until it says that....
I have never had any of these issues. Every time anyone has came to me asking me why their sponges didn't work I found out that they had miss...
I don't kill random people.
Yeah, I tpb killed around 15 people attempting to grief me.
Sorry about the auto correct. #Samsung Galaxy fail
Sponges are more complicated than they appear. Let me give you an idea of the dimensions than they protect. When you place a sponge it will...
The cool down should be longer like 20 minutes.
Lol, you've gotta be kidding me. You're going there saying it is wrong for me to try burning you when you dropped me off the void
actually griefing is legal I think? but ok?
If you want to ask the owner of the place, AJSnerdle, he'll tell you that the entire platform was newly remade and it looks very fine :D
I didn't get scammed. He dropped me into a hole for no reason...
lol, if you lie on forums. You will be banned on forums. I requested to tpa a single time. No I did not spam, if that is a concern and you think a...
I feel I can say what I want, the language I used is not blocked by the language controlling mod. Also I never swore. I've said what I said...