Dude 250$ its a good price
Suh dude
Is mineverse scamming peps???
Same thing lol
Yup thats it
Well you buy the rank not donate. Anyways if thats Mojangs rules... Then thats how minecraft will function for now on then.
So does anyone want to 1v1 in Halo 5? Just wondering. I know its not mc but still. Yay or na FYI mods this is off- topic so you can't take it...
One peace of advice. I am a retired minecraft pro in skywars. Dont ask why. Just saying that there needs a top mid and it would be cool to have 3...
New profile pic!!
You buy it never says donate unless im wrong
Your wrong you buy the rank not donate. Donate??? it says "10.00 USD" for sponsor
So a waste then?
Are we allowed to rant on members here?
Idubbz is god
Love the life
I am asking a question about him not that I know him or anything
What hell no. I just heard about him and curoius to know more
Lol so me
Now I know I am new here but there is a question I had. Who is Kurosoul? I've heard a lot of sort of bad things about him. I am not trying to...
suh dudes