... Seriously?
Ign: robotican Why: I'm going to be truthful now, I want the cape because it looks cool on me especially when I pvp. I'm living in Singapore...
Nevermind lol
I'm not sure if you're serious or if your username is just for laughs. I'm praying it's the second option.
The maturity levels here are high.
If you, @superBeanie22, want to suggest an implementation or a change, at least phrase it properly or make it obvious enough so that we don't need...
Where's the link in that lol
I don't get it...
Lol didn't see it. Why didn't you tell me earlier :(
Change that cancerous name to flazer.
xD xD
Churchie as in the player that copies? Idk
No support, reasons stated below.
You're welcome fam
No support. Reasons stated below. Refer to this guide. www.mineverse.com/threads/moderator-application-requirements.85774/
Reasons as stated above.
Support :).
Lol herf, that wasn't really necessary.
Preferably the ability to sell certain items such as farming items, minerals and foodstuff.
No support as my pal mentioned earlier ^ And by the way, to those who says that this I needed. Correction, this is wanted