I don't lol, which is why I only camp on forums. I camp on Minetime as well. Anyway, sorry for going off-topic lol.
Age is just a number they said. They got married at 10 they said.
No, it needs a dictator like me
You're welcome :) Hope it gets implemented.
Ok lol?
Lol I haven't even started playing yet. 0 kills 0 deaths Kdr: 0
For bragging rights, yes.
Support, it works great on Minetime as well. However, I believe they should also implement a cooldown of 15s after reaching a limit of /afk...
Users who use profanity will continue using it because they did not look like a complete 'idiot' in front of anybody which will 'encourage' them...
That seems like a total different story that what you're preaching... :/
Neutral, reason being, I think making someone look like a complete idiot will 'encourage' them to stop or at least reduce the usage of profanity.
That use of hyperbole is overrated.
Lol and people be like saying welcome to him when he had already mentioned being here for 6 months. Nice intro btw, got to know you better! :)
Trying to relate.
Good idea Edit it and add that.
Wait... I feel honored to be your friend but why did you pick me? I only chatted with you for a bit xD Cool though, I'll like to be your pal.
I'm not American
Support, but what if we don't want it to show on our screen. What do we do about it?
No support.