He is telling the truth.
Hmm, how much chinese do you know?, and can you read the characters?..anyway support.(I would of had this in chinese, but I was too lazy to get...
Um, when creative was crashing a while ago players were able to break anyblock, I saw players griefing left&right, before I didnt have a mouse so...
Same for me Mods Please help!
You did a great job with your application, congrats.Kind of wish I could support twice though..
Well, you kind of deserve the support by being able to convince the audience, and it being true.
Hmm, well with the information that is given I would think your fine.So why not give support.I give you support.
You handle ban appeals very well, such a manner that is the most effiiciant, I honor you for that 日本....
Hiya, how are you doing?
Keiichi Maebara..
You've seen Soul eater right?
I love anime soo much.
Please help me, my Minecraft name is Thephantam.In Creative I can't play in it anymore because I'm permenently dead thanks to people filling up my...
Herobrine books..grr.