DeathTheKid Perfect.
Me too.
Or..Well the Moderators will see this too, and your comment.
Your ingame name:ThePhantam The offender's ingame name:hjsrules A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Offensive...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Your ingame name:ThePhantam The offenders' ingame name: "DrTurtles", "chocolate3033", and "JollyRodger22" A description of what...
Have you played the Game Rachet&Clank?
Your ingame name:ThePhantam The offender's ingame name:SVTcobra123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking-Fastbow...
Thanks for the Follow :D
I got Elite yay I guess.
6, people. Hurry only 1 staff is on!
/ban rachetclanks Non-Otaku. Appeal @
3 we aren't getting anywhere with MrParkourGuy online he will stop us.
1 Wait but that's not double posting isn't that only editing?
6 Just edit your post like me
3 Im editing my msg so its not a double post.
7 guys watch me do it. I'm editing not reposting.
5*GASP* Wait no double posts! Then I can do this! Im Not Reposting Im just editing!!!
1. I kind of expected that..or unless you'd be willing to pay out of your own money??
4,Yeah. Sounds fair.
2, what if we just wait until all of the mods are offline?