Trust me, you can. I believe i said it earlier that i placed the "commits" in specific locations that you can jump from one UFO to another. If...
Hey! This is my second map that i have created in the past 2 days for Infection! The first one is called Space Place, you can check it out on the...
Hey! this is a map that i have been working on for some time and i thought it would be a cool new map for infection. I call it Space Place. I have...
Hello! This is a large problem that i believe will aggravating a lot of people on OPPrison. I recently changed my minecraft username from...
hello! I need help! On OPPrison after the update or whatever i was unable to do anything on my plot and i have everything on it. Please help me!
deffinatly support
If you added that then it would defeat the point of mining and it could make it too easy
Hello whoever is reading this! i think that it would be a smart idea to add a plugin called player vaults to OP factions and normal factions. I...
Guys there is a command in Essentials that allows you to block players. the command is simple! just type: /ignore [name] this will stop you from...
Ok thanks for the tips! I'm sorry for lying! It was an honest mistake. I didn't remember exactly remember when I donated but I know it was a while...
Ok thanks for the tips :)
Hello whoever is reading this! I am 14 years old and I live in New York City so I use eastern time. My in game name is nightclaw12345, the first...
On the sky wars server i am supposed to be an elite and get the 100$ a day but when i logged on the other day i was a regular player. Can you...
I was doing my own business when this caught my eye. I am nightclaw12345 and i am reporting coolman870. He violated the rule "No scamming". [ATTACH]
Hello whoever is reading this! I have noticed that OP Prison is extremely popular. Most of the time when you try to join it will be full. I find...