OK thank you . Is this good I edited it. Is this good? Edited it thanks for the input.
OK thank you I'll be sure to fix it.
What can I do to fix it.?
Haven't seen you on either.
Also known on skywars and op factions.
I'm known from Op PvP its 4am and I just got off
I am active and known
Introduction I want to thank all of you guys to take the time and read my moderator application. I hope you guys enjoy, and I really want some...
IGN: zDraqo Skype: drago_ Backround: I like to pvp Rank: Sponsor Age: 15
IGN:zDraqo Skype:Yes Good Sportsmanship:Yes Age:15 Decent Pvp Skills: Yes Backround Info: I like pizza. I also play baseball and like to go out...