I'm fine I have no lag or God Apple issues the map needs to be fixed though
Support ;D
I'm going to miss killing you at bed wars and making you rage quit :( <3
Upload in the back ground all you need to do is drag and drop the vid >.<
Nvm read that wrong xD Anyways Hello
Started 3 years ago introduced to it in the summer of 2014 logic is back
Thank you :D support cause of that so nice<3
Excuse you what about me I hate
It came and went all the time
Support ;p Idk if I did or not already
They should just have it like they do on factions so you cant pearl to certain areas
I don'y mind the insta health cause I just steal it from them but instant damage are annoying af cause random people will 2 hit me with them they...
Are you sure there being friendly when calling you chicken? ._.
4 or more msgs? What about fast typers who are replying to many people
Same with the other one I tagged you in ;p