I'm not saying that all players shouldn't, I'm simply saying that it's more so the current moderators whom should. I mean, commented "No Support"...
How so?
Support. Does anyone know why it is limited to 1 million?
Thanks for the support. :)
Google search for "Gyazo" or "lightshot". They both work well :)
Support. I've noticed people replying to their stuff with "Bump", that looks slightly unprofessional. @Pile
Can you provide images of what these ranks would look like with those asserted colours? That would make the suggestion more appealing.
Are you sure you can give up some time to moderate here? From what I see, both times you were accepted, you were only around for 3-4 months....
I'll look out, don't worry. :)
I'd like to see more of you around the forums. I know I am only new, but other applications I've looked over, I've seen much more of those...
CS:GO Raffles... $40 won so far, only put in $4.50.
Redbull goes better with Jägermeister to create the "Jägerbomb".
I'm totally jealous of how much confidence you have. No way would I even dare to do something like this. Good job! :)
Thank you all for supporting this. :)
You are a nice person! :D
I like the idea for all of them, gives the forums a nicer feel.
As a new player to the forums, I've been lurking through each of the sections quite a bit. While doing so, I stumbled upon the Moderator...
Very good application. Don't really have a reason not to support you. Best of luck! :)