Smiles are good hehe and YUS the hunger games ! It'a an obsession
So I decided to make a thread about tv shows people like and fandoms and just out of curiosity what fandoms people are in. Mine are; the hunger...
Yea, thats what I'm like except I would rather be a doctor or just a medic xD
Everybody loves a walrus xD
Professional Pizza taster.. Or join the army. Ohh and a happy family :3
Unbanned >;3
Mods name:mrbeefcak3 How you met this mod: well I first met Grayson on factions, we didn't talk much or at all and later he got added to a Skype...
Banned from factions for aimbot? ._. Ugh all I do is spam click
This needs to go under report though
Yes, careful he might delete the video off youtube
What an idiot xD
Josh hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, Sam claffin, liam hemsworth, woody harrelson , Elizabeth banks ( all the hunger games cast) and Johnny depp...
Its funny how you left after I told you that I had recorded it, you also ran straight into the room when I got there
I was invisible, he would have not been able to see my name :)
Yes I knew I was going to die anyway why did you think I went their with nothing. You're just mad I raided you p.s I never said everyone hacks did...
I under stand that but notice how when I got there he automatically came to the room and then when swinging his sword he knew where I was
Your ingame name: paige1318 The offender's ingame name: mili20 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using tracer, he...
Okay so leave it then
I think you deserve mod :3