I wasn't lying, I knew I've been on longer than 2 years I just didn't know the exact date:/
I don't know what I am missing:/ you're all saying I'm lacking Info/detail but what details am I missing?
thank you for the Feedback I'll see if I can fix it up a bit:P
thnx for the feedback....um how do you add colour:/
Dear mineverse, Here is my moderator Application, I hope you like it:p My name is Trista. I am a 16 year old girl from Quebec, Canada. The...
Sounds like an interesting idea.... now and then I spawn kill but I never thought about how it might be annoying people, Support:P -Tris
dear mineverse, I have an idea for both Op Factions and Factions, to have your faction name next to your IG name like for example my faction...
support! you were an amazing mod the first time:P
I've also bought many ranks for people on it and never had this problem, I don't know why it is happening now
but I don't use paypal. I,ll try emailing support then
and no it just brings me to a blank page that won't load http://i.gyazo.com/25de51f0dc8d7e69a053c950794a5da0.png...
Dear mineverse, I have been having a problem with the shop for about a week now. Today I was going to upgrade kinspi23. but when I filled in my...
I understand your point of view, and yes I have noticed a few Mods being disrespectful. I don't get why they banned your alt account without...
Dear mineverse, I recently changed my in-game name from "treetoptris" to "TreeTopPanda". I was just wondering if there was a way I could change...
ya? :D that would be great! it's /p h _HamFam_
I'm stopping with the upgrades for a little while:/
Dear mineverse. _HamFam_, a close friend of mine just finished his new Infection map called SkyIslands. My computer sucks at recording video so...
ya he bought it himself a couple days ago:/
ya you did:P thnx alot
Giving away 2 ranks/upgrades a week! (under MVP) :P