hey guys, I was thinking of the idea to add a new rank to mineverse, like one higher than Titan.... and call it (Royal) or something like...
[MEDIA] here guys...took a vid of it:P
support, I played a game like this on another server and really enjoyed it
lol I told him the exact same thing and he said not to worry about it:P
Ya I have that problem too, It's a small glitch I guess but after showing proof you have the rank to a mod you should get it fixed
hey guys, friend of mine asked if I could record his infection map. It was built by Rstar567 and EMachine hope you enjoy!:) ps. I kind of...
there's a way of stopping that right?.....this is like my favorite server.....I can't loose it :/
D: great.....
hey guys, is it just me or has there been extreme lag on the server the past couple days, I can't even play on it at all. It takes me forever to...
thnx :>
like this? [ATTACH]
I could fix that:P
hey guys, this is an infection map me and manjuman made hope you like it:P [MEDIA]
ya that was it thnx:D ....says it's inactive now though :(
hey guys, I remember there being a site you could go to, to see all the mineverse voters and how many times they've voted so far....I just can't...
dear mineverse, I appear to be having issues with your shop whenever I type in my card info and click accept it brings me to this...
Support! one thing that is missing though is how to win a game, like explaining that when you're the last human alive you do /suicide : to gain an...
ok;) thnx
Nuketown, it's too easy to survive, to big of a map, unless there was a way to remove everything but the two main houses and vehicles, otherwise...