Not sure how I feel about this. I agree with you, non donors are going to have a lot more trouble competing against high ranked donors. But the...
Back again:) using my old IGN treetoptris
Neutral. I like the idea but I find it is a little small and lacking detail. A remake of this make on a bigger scale with more effort put into it...
Support Love the map design! However I find the cave at (36 seconds) is a little too op:/ Also, spawn should have a little more open space. Gods...
Hey all:) Just making a quick post suggestion for /kit Titan on archer pvp. Instead of having protection 1 diamond armour, could it by any chance...
I totally want to join! Ign: TreetopPrime (but I'll be changing it back to treetoptris in a couple days) Time zone: EST Availabilities: 3-8 hours...
Never met a single one of them xD
Support. I am in 100% agreement with you, it should stay on screen longer:P
I really like the map:) however there is a little too much open space. Maybe add a bit more structures or something but overall I support
I am having serious issues IRL at the moment and I will have to be going dark for a couple months to protect me and my family, I'll be back when...
I'm kind of having life issues at the moment and part of it has to do with money. I can't help you I'm sorry:/
I know right!
OMG 120% support, Mineshaft was my favorite map before they took it off:( I find it does need a little more to the spawn and maybe add get all the...
How old are you and what timezone are you in? I am 16 years old, my timezone is EST How good are you at PvP? (1-10) um 8/10 maybe 9:P How active...
no I haven't
I use debit
I made a paypal account too, and I bought myself rank HERO on mineplex using paypal yesterday, but now today I tried to upgrade someone and it...
ya it was just an idea xD