Part of me thinks wow this is a great idea and part of me thinks this is kinda dumb I think as long as people can look at the appeals/bans but not...
repeat (this is my word)
* I was *reply
sorry iwas trying to replie to @AgentWifi
Air port
@Dontchallengeme @Musezeta please help if you can
Hi My in game name is KingGlenIII I recently changed my name from glen10minecraft (proof below plus it is my forum name.) I need help destroying...
not enough detail no support
Wow three languages... I only speak one
did you end the plot competion
Well thanks but this is the off topic section...
If you go to my page and click on my location i guess i live in a motorsports place???
I can't copy and paste pictures into PM though thanks for the imput
no problem