./enchant all will have just the survival obtainable enchants so it is basically the same as /enchant but faster
Support We need YT!
its okay
I was only talking about the servers which have /enchant
is that necessary lel
The /enchant is only on survival,skyblock and skygrid (dont mind if i miss one)
You know how titans get /enchant on some servers? Well, you need to type all the enchanted command by command to get fully enchanted. I think that...
support #nomorehackers
Support But I have seen people use colour signs in skygrid
My ign:chuck657 His ign LamoidZombieDog Hes scamming free steam cards [ATTACH]
My ign:mincrosoft His ign:BaePlayTrixxx He was hating LoveTheBluehorses so much [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My ign:Mincrosoft His ign:TrollmanXDlol He is saying he hacks people's accounts [ATTACH]
My ign:Mincrosoft His ign:TheShadow70000 He was asking someone to KYS (kill youself) [ATTACH]
no support reasons^^^
I can be more active
Active where? here or ingame?
my ign:mincrosoft (i changed it again :P) his ign:no_username_exe he was advertising deathwarp [MEDIA]